Product Recall/Withdrawal
Classification: Withdrawal
Summary: Eight ophthalmic companies, including Similasan, recently received warning letters from the FDA which brought up several concerns that the FDA had about the marketing and manufacturing of homeopathic eye drops and the safety of one of the preservatives used in their manufacture, silver sulfate. Pending resolution of the FDA concerns, Similasan has voluntarily suspended the sale and distribution of all Similasan eye drop products to US retailers. Similasan is cooperating with the FDA to quickly resolve this matter.
Product Information:
UPC Product Description Size Lot Code/Expiration Date:
0-94841-30024-5 Similasan Allergy Eye Relief, 0.33 oz. All Lots
0-94841-30034-4 Similasan Pink Eye Relief, 0.33 oz. All Lots
0-94841-30060-3 Similasan Complete Eye Relief, 0.33 oz. All Lots
Please do not use the item(s) and instead, return it/them to the store for a refund or replacement.
We are committed to your health and safety, and we follow best practices to ensure the quality and safety of the products we sell. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
For any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service center at 1-800-451-8500.